DJ Marky blazed a trail from his homeland of Brazil to the U.K and now all across the globe with his phenomenal skills at the decks and on point production. DJ Marky’s junglist journey began in his hometown of Sao Paolo Brazil, where he fused traditional Brazilian flavors with his love of drum and bass. Voted Brazilian DJ of the Year in 95, 96 and 99 he pioneered this sound in his homeland as resident DJ at the now legendary VIBE club night. Marky's mix CD ‘Brazilain Job’, has been described as the “best drum and bass dj mix ever”(DJ Magazine), firmly cementing his talents behind the decks.
从故乡巴西一路向欧洲大陆延伸至英国,DJ Marky以精湛的现场技巧以及成功的制作人身份,引领了一阵鼓打贝斯音乐旋风。曾获得95、96、及99年巴西当地“年度杰出DJ”,Marky不仅在当地知名夜店成为传奇驻场DJ,他的混音大碟‘Brazilain Job’还一度被《DJ Magazine》杂志誉为“最佳鼓打贝斯混音大碟”。
门票:男士120元,女士80元, 凌晨两点后80元(畅饮时间晚8:30-凌晨4:00)
Male 120RMB, Female 80RMB After 2am 80RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm- 4:00am
Official Website:
Added by wendyland on January 2, 2008