Parents: when was the last time you had a night out for yourself? If it's been a while, then join us this Saturday, August 25 from 5 to 9 for our Drop-Off Pizza and Play Party! Kids aged 1+ are invited to enjoy pizza, play and fun! And kids DO NOT have to be potty trained! Space is limited, so RSVP today and get your date night on! Your kids will participate in open play, games, crafts, music, dancing, parachute and story time.
The cost is $35/child, and $15 per additional sibling. That includes drop-off play plus pizza and juice boxes. Every parent deserves a break--especially you! Now you can have one, guilt-free, because you'll know that the kids are having a blast!.
Official Website:
Added by GetPromotd Services on August 23, 2012