DRM enables new and flexible ways of delivering music online, such as via subscription models, but the recent furore surrounding the Sony BMG "rootkit" has increased suspicion towards copy protection and DRM. These are considered by the mainstream record industry as essential tools to guard against increased piracy in the digital era.
But iPod owners want versatile transferable music and without an industry standard individual DRM systems can restrict inter-operability. Consumers suspect their right to use legally purchased music is being compromised. Copy-protected artists are furious not to have been consulted. Meanwhile independent labels promote an open, DRM-free respect for music.
Can the record industry find a more viable DRM solution that bridges the gap copy protection has created between the attitudes of fans, artists and record companies to the music which all three groups want to value and own?
Keynote: Richard Gooch, Deputy Director, Technology, IFPI.
- Horst Weidenmueller, owner !K7 Records (Kruder & Dorfmeister, Matthew Herbert & Dani Siciliano, Ursula Rucker) and Board Member IMPALA and VUT.
- Ted Shapiro, Deputy Managing Director, Vice President and European General Counsel, Motion Picture Association
- Jill Johnstone, Director Of Policy, National Consumer Council
- Gregor Pryor, Associate at international law-firm Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP, previously on the licensing committee of EDiMA (European Digital Media Association)
- Ray Farrell, V.P. Content Acquisition, eMusic
Chaired by Keith Harris, Chairman of MusicTank.
Book via http://www.musictank.co.uk/booking.htm
Added by davidjennings on January 12, 2006