4710 Bellaire Blvd Suite 305
Houston, Texas 74401

Create compelling, feature-rich websites from start to finish using the industry standard tool in this comprehensive Dreamweaver CS4 hands on training. Your instructor will work with you to teach the nomenclature, essential workflow and techniques to designing your webpages with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You will learn to bring in a variety of multimedia assets such as Word documents, photography, logos, and Flash (swf) movies and video; connect to FTP sites and publish your content to your server; create advanced elements such as drop-down navigation menus and incorporate interactive maps, RSS feed and more.

Your instructor will cover the pitfalls, and the best practices will be followed so that you are creating websites with the latest standards to reach world-wide audiences across different browsers and computer platforms. This is a Dreamweaver essential training class.

This Dreamweaver CS4 course is intensive, but not complicated. Our job is to make difficult concepts easy to understand and implement into your own projects.

Official Website: http://www.lumenbrite.com

Added by Lumenbrite Training on September 3, 2009

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