Lake Merritt
Oakland, San Jose CA

Unfolding the Story:
A Dream Workshop by Nora Archambeau, M.A.

*If you are new to dreamwork, please email me--thanks!*

Ever have a dream that left you baffled, anxious, or even excited the morning after? Want to learn a few skills that will assist you to speak "the language of dream interpretation"?

You're invited to attend a 3-hour workshop to explore the realm of dreams, active imagination, and healing. Using conscious dialogue, role-playing, and other fun tools, you will walk away with both direct experience and new skills to help you speak and better understand your dreams.

When: Saturday, April 7, 2007, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; light refreshments served
Where: 1906 Jackson St., # 8, Oakland, CA 94612; directly across Lake Merritt
What: Bring a dream to share
How: Please RSVP by Wednesday, April 4; space limited
Cost: $50 per person; $45 for accompanied friend; payment to facilitator

Facilitator: Nora Archambeau, M.A. is a professional dreamworker with 16 years experience interpreting hers and others' dreams in a safe and confidential environment. Her style is fun, informative, creative, and helpful in opening to the process and exploration of the psyche. Her interests have been in the disciplines of psychology, intuition, internationalism, and the Divine Feminine, and her Master's degree is in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. Nora has led groups, offers 1-on-1 consultations, presents, and writes on the subject of dreams, Integral Yoga, and IT recruitment.

Nora Archambeau, M.A.
Professional Dreamworker
Integral Dreams

Added by Noraa on March 28, 2007

Interested 2