Dream Interpretation with Robert Wallis
Wed March 20th
4 week class 6-8 PM
$90.00 or $70.00 cash discount paid in advance
$80.00 cash price if paid night of the class
The Pyramid of Enlightenment will be presenting a Dream Interpretation Workshop by Robert Wallis. The goal of this workshop is to introduce the participant to the common symbols present in dreams, and how these give information to interpret your own dreams and interpret dreams for others.
Among the topics covered :
1.) An overview of symbols in dreams, such as colors, types of people, events, places, types of actions such as falling, flying, running and many more.
2.) The different types of dreams, such as lucid dreaming, predictive dreams, astral projecting during dreaming, explanatory dreams, dreams of contacting people who have passed over.
3.) How to apply this information to interpret your own dreams and interpret dreams for others.
Benefits of taking this Class:
1.) You will discover that your dreams are your Higher Self and Subconscious speaking to you to give help and instruction in your life.
2.) You will discover that your Higher Self knows in advance about many events in your future and informs and warns in advance about coming events.
3.) You will discover that your dreams will explain the past events of your life that were hurtful and never had a reasonable explanation.
4.) You will be shown how to keep a dream journal and how to improve your retention of dreams upon waking.
Robert Wallis has had a lifelong interest in metaphysical phenomena. This interest focused on dream interpretation in the mid-60’s when he studied Freudian and Jungian psychology. Visit our website at www.pyramid-of-enlightenment.com and read Bob Wallis’ article on Dream Interpretation.
Official Website: http://www.pyramid-of-enlightenment.com/metaphysical-classes.shtml
Added by pyramid ads on March 4, 2013