5700 Lindell Blvd
St Louis, Missouri 63112

This retrospective exhibition, featuring more than 60 paintings and lithographs, explores how the European artist created urban and rural landscapes in pursuit of making a living in America.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 3, 2008




This weekend only, in the greatest city on earth, two bands will put on a show like you've never seen before...and will never see again.

The adam has crabs and pseudotunesmith have not shared a stage in over 11 years. Its like a reality tv show with high school sweethearts reuniting for one ruckus night of self-absorption and awkward silences.

The night opens at 8pm with a set from the freshest DJ from Oakland, DJ LOGAN 5 playing sleaze rock beats. Hailing from San Quentin penitentiary, Pseudotunesmith will perform 60 songs in 60 minutes all about sex, death and sponge bob starting at 9pm. Adam Has Crabs will take the stage at 1030pm to play love songs for the rich and suicidal. All in all, expect indy rock with a ska, reggae, punk, classic rock, soft goth edge with a comedic undertone that will get you moving and squealing.

cameras and cigarettes employable. bring friends but not friends of friends. you'll need more than $5 for the merch table. Concert posters, crabs re-release record and t-shirts will be available. Bands members available to sign jeans and skin.

see you there. arrive early. be nice to the door guy.