Time: 2008/5/21-2008/5/24
Venue: TNT Theatre
Price: 50/100/180/280
MSN: ponypiaoen@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-10-64177845
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Text from Jean-Michel Ribes
Bilingual play (French and Chinese)
Within the frame of The encounters of the French Theatre in Beijing 2008
Organized by the Chaoyang Cultural Center, the Beijing Theatre Association and the
Ning Chun Company
Partnership: Alliance Francaise in China, the French Cultural Center
and the University of Communication of China
Jean-MichelRibes won the award for the best comedian scenario and specialstatuette of the French Academy Moliere in 2001 for "Theatre SansAnimals" (English Name: Theater Without Animal). Since then, the playwas performed across France and the whole Europe.
Thefirst act, which is "Seagull", reflected the wishes of the middle agedgeneration which repeats the common philosophy of life in order tomaterialize them, namely: "Cogito Ergo Sum" or "I think, therefore Iam". The second act "Tragedy" took an easy but hard look at humanrelations while the final act "USA" ridiculed human relations through false and unreal political behaviors.
Despitethree different ambiances in "Theater Without Animal", a covert commonpoint prevailed in all the acts; invisible signs of human virtues.
Vestedinterest in showing sympathy with the barber who has to put up with atalkative customer who cries his wishes (in Seagull act), ridiculousconclusion about the resistance of a man to his wife’s demands (inTragedy act) and agitating influence of political behaviors in humanrelations (USA act) convey an easy-to-understand message; one shouldrelease oneself in order to lead an easy life.
Oneshould get rid of the chains whose links are nothing but the badhabits, bad characteristics, bad principles. Most societies define"bad" in the same way which is anything inhuman.
Rationalityand perception make human beings distinct from animals which is theunderlying reason for calling the drama, "Theater Without Animals".
RMB50 for students only
RMB330 (280 * 2); RMB230 (180 * 2)
Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn
Added by One Night in Beijing on May 4, 2008