Dr. Walter Williams, the distinguished professor of economics at George Mason University since 1980, comes to the Cowan Center to discuss the current state of the economy, its effect on the federal government and what we can expect in the future. As one of our nation’s foremost economic experts, Dr. Williams has appeared on countless radio and television shows including ABC’s “Nightline,” CBS’s “Face the Nation” and “The Rush Limbaugh Show.” His weekly newspaper column is syndicated by 140 media outlets, including the Tyler Morning Telegraph. Furthermore, he has authored over 150 publications which have appeared in popular publications such as Newsweek, National Review, Reader's Digest and Policy Review as well as scholarly journals such as Economic Inquiry, American Economic Review, Georgia Law Review and Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy. Dr. Williams has participated in numerous debates, conferences and lectures in the United States and abroad. He has frequently given expert testimony before Congressional committees on public policy issues ranging from labor policy to taxation and spending. He is a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and the American Economic Association.

Official Website: http://www.cowancenter.org

Added by mmogle at UT Tyler Cowan Center on June 22, 2009