What is Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School? Dr. Sketchy’s started as an art class in Brooklyn and became a world-wide movement. Burlesquey, cross-dressin, belly dancin, make-up wearin, china doll models… Posing for drunken - ninja lookin paint brush stroken pencil whippin artist creating portraits and taking shots. Brink your pencils, pads, notepads, crayons, pastels, paint, etc… Come drink, create and get your Picasso on at the Leapin Lizard Art Gallery (Mainstrasse-Covington, KY). Sketch our models and participate in random contest, skits, poetry and general amusement in between artist sessions. $5.00 Admission Bring your own art supplies!!
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/drsketchycincinnati
Added by dr.sketchycincinnati on November 27, 2008