Dr. Martin Luther King Annual Holiday Celebration
Concerned Citizens of Atmore "Unity in the Community" will sponsor their Annual Dr. M.L. King Holiday Celebration. A parade/March will begin at the Houston Avery Park on MLK Ave AT 10:00 A.M. Grand Marshall, Bands,Drill Teams,Government Officials,ROTC, Floats and more. The M.L.K. Memeorial Program will follow the parade with Keynote Speaker: Professor W. McClain Parker. Lots entertainment. Open to the public with free food for everyone.
CONTACT: Sandra Gray
PHONE: 251-545-9567
EMAIL: mrsgray1954@frontiernet.net
Official Website: http://www.king-raleigh.org/natlevent/detail.cfm?EVENT_ID=6154
Added by folkie on December 17, 2009