This talk is titled "Conceptualizing Historical Trauma, Microaggressions, and Colonial Trauma Response: A Decolonization Framework for Healing Indigenous Families and Communities." It will be in the Educational Conference Center on the 1st floor.
Dr. Walters is an enrolled citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and is an Associate Professor at the University of Washington in the School of Social Work, where she directs the Native Wellness Research Center. Dr. Walters is co-founder of the Native Wellness Research Center and the newly formed Institute for International Indigenous Health and Child Welfare Research at the University of Washington. Currently Dr. Walters is the principal investigator of a NIMH funded 7-site national study on the relationships among traumatic stress, substance use, mental health, cultural resilience, and HIV risk behaviors among GLBT/two-spirit American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Added by UMOjibwe on November 4, 2005