Bring your instrument, bring your story, or bring both. Sign up for your moment on stage and transmit your musical offerings to the world. Sign up with Din Babu or check out the scenery. This is the first reunion of the party that happened every tuesday last year at Otto's Shrunken Head. After the summer-fall hiatus, the kids are now bringing it to the LES. It starts at 9 and ends when they drag you out at 4:30. This party has been known to have some of the city's most talented artists drop in for an impromptu jams. Artists that have popped in have been Nerf Herder, Janet Vodka, Trance Pop Loops, Mike Sandwich, K & the Boys, and many others. We would announce the Hot-Slot Performer but it would seem impossible to most. Oh yeah, it's FREE!
Added by Ms. deMEANor NYC on November 11, 2004