Dr. Tel-Oren, is a medical doctor trained in Europe and the USA and board-certified with the American Board of Functional Medicine and the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.
Detoxification is a proactive ongoing process by which the body decreases the impact of toxins on the biochemistry, the cellular function and the integrity of the body. Symptoms of toxic build-up include chronic headaches, pains, aches, fatigue, asthma, skin disorders, eczema, chronic infections, many types of allergies, dysfunction in reproduction, libido and menstruation, cancer, mood swings, memory loss, brain fog, neurological disorders, dementia, ADD/ADHD, various autoimmune diseases and many other conditions.
We have two phases of detoxification in the liver. In Phase-l, a whole group of enzymes named cytochrome P450 enzymes start the process of making the fat-soluble toxins more water-soluble. In Phase-II, polar compounds are added to the toxic metabolites coming out of phase I, to make these toxins water-soluble. There is also a third phase, which consists of transporting the toxins to the kidneys and eliminating them via the tubules of the kidneys. Tissue damage risk occurs when the Phases, are not supported by adequate nutrients to handle the total toxic load at any given moment.
We support the detoxification process with a clean diet focusing on organic fruits and vegetables and a small amount of seeds (nuts, seeds, gluten-free grains, and legumes) in order to obtain all the nutrients necessary for optimal detoxification over a long period of time.
To detoxify the tissues, we want to consume hypoallergenic or oligo-antigenic foods for at least 3 months. This will reduce inflammation and water retention within the tissues, which is crucial to allow the toxins to diffuse out of the tissue. We avoid all the major allergens and inflammation-causing foods. This means: no animal products (including all dairy and egg products), gluten, soy, peanuts, and corn.
Official Website: http://www.smartlifeforum.org
Added by FullCalendar on July 3, 2010