full html press release can be found here : http://drsketchy-toronto.com/pressrelease.html

Here at Dr Sketchy’s Toronto we'll be scouring the city to bring the most delightful models to pose for you - from sparkling burlesque dancers to rippling racks of manflesh; contortionists, mimes, the tattooed, the tattered, and everything in between. All you have to do is come and draw, and while you're here why not have a drink? If you're lucky you might even walk home with one of the fabulous prizes we'll be giving away each month!
Join us for our upcoming session on Monday, February 26th. Featured this month is the sassy Miss B Haven. This will not be an evening to miss! Sexy lady, sexy prizes, booze, drawing : how can you go wrong?!
You can find us at the Cameron House's back room (408 Queen Street West) on the last Monday of every month from 8pm-11pm. Capacity is only 35 artists so get there early to avoid disappointment! The event is 19+ and admission $8 at the door.
Just what are we? Dr. Sketchy's is what happens when cabaret meets art school. Founded in 2005 by artists Molly Crabapple and A.V. Phibes, Dr Sketchy's asked a simple question. Why can't life drawing be sexy? Well, it can! After a little over one year since its inception Dr Sketchy’s has 16 branches worldwide, notably Los Angeles, Melbourne, Berlin, and London.
Dr Sketchy’s Toronto is run by Brett Despotovich, Lana Winter and Katherine Piro, all ex-art students disillusioned with how uninspiring art school can be.
"Dr. Sketchy's will cure you of every boring art class you've ever been to." - The Sunday Age, Melbourne
“Because anti-art cannot be taught, Kat Bardot pledges never to provide instruction or to moderate for her class. "It's more about the experience and practice, really," she says. "People take the ideas they get at Dr. Sketchy and go home, do a painting inspired by that session. It's more really of an open forum and not a formalized class."
- LA Times, Los Angeles
for more information contact :
drsketchytoronto@gmail.comOfficial Website: http://www.drsketchy-toronto.com