Led by Anthony Rubano of the Illinois Historic
Preservation Agency and Jerry Turnquist, local historian
and educator.
Experience a unique walking tour concentrating on
the church history and religious architecture located in
Downtown Elgin, spanning more then a century’s worth
of styles, shapes and purposes. Several local churches
including First Methodist Church, Church of the
Redeemer, Vineyard Christian Fellowship, and Iglesia
Principe de Paz (Former Unitarian Universalist Church)
will be open for all participants. The tour will end at the
First Congregationalist Church for an interior tour by
church parishioners and light refreshments.
Sponsored by: Downtown Neighborhood Association
of Elgin (DNA). For information contact Jennifer Benson at
DNA at (847) 488-1456 or e-mail: jbenson@elginil.org.
Added by downtownelgin on May 5, 2008