'Doubt: A Parable' by John Patrick Shanley is a riveting, Tony Award-winning drama. Set in a Bronx Catholic school in 1964, 'Doubt' concerns Father Flynn, an amiable new priest who believes the clergy should be thought of "as members of the family" to its congregation. His forward-thinking views immediately clash with those of Sister Aloysius, the authoritarian principal who favors discipline over compassion. The conflict mounts towards an explosive climax when Aloysius accuses Flynn of "interfering" with a student based on unproven evidence. Along with the Tony Award for Best Play, 'Doubt' captured the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2005. The play was also the basis for the 2008 Academy Award-nominated film with Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Directed by Mark Kuntz
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