Thursday, August 9 – 7:30 PM
Double Feature: THE RUTHLESS FOUR (OGNUNO PER SE), 1968, 96 min. Dir. Giorgio Capitani. Crawling back into town after blowing up his mine and his double-crossing partner, Van Heflin badly needs help he can trust. But adopted son George Hilton has turned into a lying cardsharp, complete with clerically garbed “protector” Klaus Kinski. In Italian with English subtitles. [35mm]
REQUIESCANT, 1967, Compass Film, 92 min. Lou Castel’s Requiescant stops to pray after a kill, while man of religion Pier Paolo Pasolini (yes, the Pasolini) shows up to collect the weapons. Stylish spaghetti from neorealist Carlo Lizzani, highlighted by Mark Damon’s misogynist, racist duel by candlelight and double-noosed showdown. In Italian with English subtitles. [Betacam] Special Ticket Prices: $13 General, $11 Student/Senior, $9 Member. “For a few dollars more” you can see this once-in-a-lifetime screening with live subtitles!
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Added by AmericanCinematheque on July 31, 2012