Thursday, January 3 – 7:30 PM
Double Feature: METROPOLIS, 1927, Kino Lorber, 153 min. Fritz Lang's early science fiction masterpiece takes place in a future metropolis divided into two halves: a land of luxury for the rich and powerful and a subterranean nightmare for the poor workers who keep the city running. When a son of privilege falls for a worker-turned-revolutionary and discovers the hellish conditions underground, he tries to fix things, only to come up against evil genius Rotwang, who creates a "fake" Maria in order to manipulate her followers. Lang's landmark dystopian vision influenced everything from BLADE RUNNER and DARK CITY to THE DARK KNIGHT trilogy and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK.
DARK CITY, 1998, Warner Bros., 100 min. Alien "Strangers" whose world is dying collect a group of humans for study in order to find out what makes the heart and mind tick - in solving the mysteries of the human soul, they hope to save themselves. Every night at midnight they erase their subjects' memories and plant new ones - but one man, Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) proves resistant to the experiments and goes on the run, pursued by detective Bumstead (William Hurt) as he falls in love with torch singer Emma (Jennifer Connelly). Working from a script he wrote with Lem Dobbs and David Goyer, director Alex Proyas uses this sci-fi concept to explore the most profound philosophical issues relating to memory, experience, and what it means to be human.
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