Double Feature: LAURA, 1944, 20th Century Fox, 88 min. Dir. Otto Preminger. Investigating a murder, chain-smoking Detective McPherson (Dana Andrews) falls in love with the dead woman - only to find out that it wasn't she who was murdered. Even in a genre known for its convoluted twists, LAURA is a one-of-a-kind film noir. The brilliant cast includes Gene Tierney as the gorgeous Laura, Clifton Webb as Waldo Lydecker and Vincent Price as Laura's fiancé, Shelby Carpenter. The famous haunting and nostalgic musical theme by David Raskin is unforgettable. The film is said to have been an inspiration for David Lynch’s “Twin Peaks.” [35mm]
70th Anniversary! REBECCA, 1940, Walt Disney Co., 130 min. Director Alfred Hitchcock’s Gothic romance asks the question: Did guilt-ridden, rich widower Laurence Olivier do away with his notorious wife Rebecca or not? And what secret does sinister, manipulating housekeeper Mrs. Danvers (Judith Anderson) hold that may unlock the mystery? As the widower’s second wife, a young Joan Fontaine attempts to unravel the mystery. [35mm]
Added by AmericanCinematheque on November 23, 2010