Saturday, March 10 – 7:30 PM
Double Feature: DUCK SOUP, 1933, Universal, 68 min. Dir. Leo McCarey. Margaret Dumont appoints Groucho (Rufus T. Firefly) as Prime Minister of Freedonia, and he promptly declares war on a neighboring country for no particular reason. With the legendary mirror sequence and Harpo and Chico’s mercurial harassing of the lemonade vendor. [DCP]
ANIMAL CRACKERS, 1930, Universal, 97 min. Dir. Victor Heerman. The Marx Brothers’ second film finds them running amuck at a swanky Long Island estate where a priceless painting has been stolen. This invaluable record of their last Broadway show features Groucho’s immortal theme song, "Hooray for Captain Spaulding," the classic bridge game and dictating-a-letter routines, and delightful support from the legendary Lillian Roth, plus Louis Sorin, Robert Greig and, of course, Margaret Dumont. [DCP] Book signing in the Egyptian lobby at 6:30 PM of Robert Bader’s Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales: The Selected Writings of Groucho Marx and Bill Marx’s Son of Harpo Speaks!
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Added by AmericanCinematheque on February 27, 2012