Ok, sorry if this spiel sounds familiar... I'm going on fumes at the moment and just wanted to get this out:
It's time again to break out the breadboards, shine up the solder joints and light up the LEDs with your good friends in DorkbotPDX. We'll be meeting once again to mull over strange ideas (involving electricity, of course), hash out plans for world domination and, as always, drink beer. Come join us, bring along a project if you have one and can fit it in your preferred mode of transport, and make yourself known to your fellow Portland dorks.
When: Monday, April 14th, 7pm
Where: Lucky Lab NW (not SE!)
Who: Dorkbot PDX and *you*
See you on Monday. Whoever is there first gets to make a grab for the outlets! ;~)
Official Website: http://dorkbotpdx.org
Added by tlockney on April 11, 2008