dorkbot #
dorkbotlondon 43 - Christmas Special!
7pm Saturday 16th December 2006
Limehouse Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, E14 7HA (directions below)
featuring the seasonal and organic...
James Larsson, promising to show us a 'game controller for VERY sad men', while Mike 'Dr. Voltage' Harrison, will be inviting us to an interactive, participatory performance of the 'bluetooth-o-phone - bluetoothery at the edge of uselessness'. So, please come prepared with phones, PDAs, frequency weapons, networked sex toys and other devices that use that infernal technology. Expect further presentations from Amanda Windle, Paul Webb, and Tim Hunkin, on whose presentations more information will soon be forthcoming.
Dancing into the night is facilitated by plenty of champagne and Slub.
Official Website:
Added by saul on December 8, 2006