a celebration of tinkering - people doing strange things with electricity. Fringe finding at its finest.
We have some amazing presentations lined up:
* Joel Greenberg demonstrates how to beat movie studios at their own game with his cost-effective zeppelin microphone
* disturbed members of Austin's very own Robot Group bring the relentless sea shanty singing Babbling Head. Be very afraid.
* Rich LeGrand, from Charmed Labs, shows you how to coerce a Nintendo Game Boy and some legos into a robot - one that can see images and can be controlled over the Internet
* jamie O'shea shows off creations, including his Wamcam - a device that prints photos on your eyes instead of film
In addition, You're invited to show off your dark, garage experiments (you know, the one that creeps out your neighbors and runs up the power bill) during “Open Dork,” a rapid-fire open mic.
DJ KDH spins between presentations.
Official Website: http://www.dorkbot.org/dorkbotaustin
Added by davidnunez on July 12, 2006