646 Commercial Road, London E14 7HA
London, England

dorkbotlondon #50!!!!

The Golden anniversary dorkbot!

Wednesday 18th July Limehouse Town Hall 646 Commercial Road, E14 7HA

Presentations from the wise and witty:'

* Michelle Kasprzak: http://michelle.kasprzak.ca
* Richard Wright: http://mediashed.org/?q=richardwright
* and others

If you have an opendork, and you'd like to dork it at dorkbotlondon 50 - let us know! dorkbotlondon@dorkbot.org

See you there!

Suggestions for celebrating our golden anniversary welcome. Snacks?? Birthday cake?!

Official Website: http://dorkbot.org/dorkbotlondon/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

Added by ChrisDodo on July 17, 2007

Interested 1