SAINT CHARLES, Missouri 63301

July 4th 2009 marked the 30th Anniversary of the first of the songs contained within "The Sound of Light". A work that has evolved over the decades. Whereas each song is based on real life experiences, the entire project forms a journey of the heart and mind through this particular space/time continuum. Integrating the corelative mathematical ratios of waveform frequencies from the notes of the musical scale on the audio spectrum, alongside the almost identical frequencies of the colors of the rainbow on the visible light spectrum - (the common word being "tone"). Added to that, Bodes Law corelates the similar distance ratios of the first 7 planets out from the sun. When all the figures are layed out side by side - it is clear that there is something going on far beyond mere chance....... The concept of The Sound of Light reaches back before "the big bang theory" and travels into the future - of the inherent capabilities of human aspirations to attain a world of harmony, as exemplified by wise and sacred teachers and visionaries throughout history. It is nothing new. It has always been this way. I have waited patiently for 30 years, as a humble artist, with no wishes for fame or personal fortune, to have the opportunity to bring the work into reality in a way that it can be understood by all, without complexity. The line up for the projected audio CD recording of The Sound of Light contains some of our most highly respected musical friends from the St Louis area, who have made it onto the world stage working with some of the biggest and best known artistic performers in our world. My intention is to donate any/all profits from the CD to UNICEF - as a gift from the artists and good people of the Heartland of America

Official Website: http://www.beatniksplace.com

Added by Beatniks on September 14, 2009

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