Donuts and Search Marketing
Come to our free introduction to internet marketing!
Overwhelmed by the vast world of Internet marketing? Pure Visibility can help with its Donuts and Search Engine Marketing seminar. This no-charge group session will give you an overview of search engine marketing, including search engine optimization, paid search advertising, and social media. You will have the chance to pose questions and we'll talk at whatever level is comfortable for the people that show up. At our Donuts and Search Engine Marketing seminar, you'll learn such things as:
What is search marketing and how can it help me
Is "natural"/"organic" search really free?
What is the relative time for a return on investment in SEO, PPC and Social Media?
How can I turn web visitors into customers?
Why is my website not getting much search engine traffic?
How should I plan for and budget for search marketing efforts?
Donuts, coffee, and search marketing experts provided. Our sessions are 8:30am 10:00am on the 4th Friday of each month. Space is limited. Registration required.
Organized by Pure VisibilityAn experienced internet marketing company, Pure Visibility offers proven techniques performed by Google AdWords Certified Professionals and a staff of dedicated Google Analytics experts to make your site visible - AND we measure the results of that visibility. We track increases in traffic, calculate your return on investment (ROI), and analyze website activity, determining where visitors came from and which keyphrases were most effective. We continually improve your website based on these measurements to get it to the top of the search engines.
Ticket Info: Attendee, Free
Official Website: http://pvdonutsmay22-upcoming.eventbrite.com