Pick-up some great tips from this month's speakers on how to effectively stand out from the competition. Co-Sponsored by: Small Business Association
Don't Get Lost in the Crowd! Find Your Voice & Use It.
Marie Daniels, Owner/Operator of Me Out Loud, LLC
Distinguish yourself from the white noise of competitors and present your business with confidence. Those competitors aren't just those in your industry but rather everything that is commanding your prospects attention. Now is the time to get the answers to what truly makes you different. Join Marie Daniels, founder of Me Out Loud! to discover how to tell your story in a unique way that gains the attention of potential clients. Learn how to:
* Refine your selling points
* Re-energize your business strategy & vision
* A clearer understanding of what you bring to the world
As a certified Life/Communications Coach, Marie brings a love of clear communication, conflict management, facilitation, and relationship building. Her coaching philosophy is based on one of the highest services one person can offer another - to develop and express their talents, skills, and unique voice.
Don't Get Lost in the Crowd! Motivate Action Through Your Messaging
Marleen Lundy, Consultant/Owner/Operator of reSet Solutions LLC
We communicate and act on what we are passionate about. What motivates one person may or may not motivate another. Marleen Lundy, will identify the six different motivators that drive an individual to take action. Through this interactive session, you will learn how to increase the effectiveness of your messaging to influence your target audience and gain endorsement.
Marleen has a strong passion for helping individuals and teams reach their highest potential. She started reSet Solutions LLC to motivate others to define, measure and achieve personal and professional success.
Get excited about what you offer and share it with the community. What are you waiting for? RSVP today.
$25 for members, $35 for non-members, after 11/6 it's $35 and $50.
Official Website: http://www.oregonweo.org/gm_nov_2008
Added by FullCalendar on October 29, 2008