The Milons are historically known, as an integral part of the apostolic/prophetic movement developing a platform for other couples of like passions. During their tenure at Crusade Dominion Church, they together served in a myriad of roles including: song writing, authoring books, pioneers the church, bible school institute, high school mentoring program, accredited elementary school and licensed daycare, Christian jazz Café, youth summer and sports program, for the Rockdale Community. In addition they provided pastoral counseling, cell groups, officiated at sacred events such as weddings, baby dedications and home going services, community involvement, leading worship services. With this in heart and mind together they are building from a greater dimension beginning March 17th 2011! Launching “Dominion Life Church”
The Milons are historically known, as an integral part of the apostolic/prophetic movement developing a platform for other couples of like passions. During their tenure at Crusade Dominion Church, they together served in a myriad of roles including: song writing, authoring books, pioneers the church, bible school institute, high school mentoring program, accredited elementary school and licensed daycare, Christian jazz Café, youth summer and sports program, for the Rockdale Community. In addition they provided pastoral counseling, cell groups, officiated at sacred events such as weddings, baby dedications and home going services, community involvement, leading worship services. With this in heart and mind together they are building from a greater dimension beginning March 17th 2011! Launching “Dominion Life Church”