6122-6124 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, California 90028

Dolores Petersen Presents: @ HSB&G
(Hollywood Studio Bar & Grill/Gower Gulch)
"historic Western-styled corner east of Vine"
Venue & Reservations: (323) 466-9917

CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRATION "Boleros & other bilingual, swinging, soulful favorites"

"D'z" Herstorical Renaissance; weekly Thursday night SHOWCASES are privileged participation, short and sweet. It's a companion event, celebrated for its multi-cultural & multi-genre diversity. Her community-supported events include, Benefits and Tributes. On-going Contributive Music Cooperative projects include, Collaborative-Artistry, Jazz Retribution and Vocal-Collective.

"One-of-a-Kind" SHOWCASE alternates, ACOUSTIC, CABARET, (PRO) VOCALISTS / INSTRUMENTALISTS, SINGERS / SONGWRITERS, FUNDRAISER/BENEFITS and TRIBUTES/HONORINGS. An established tradition, long-standing, on-going, every Thursday night, dinner shows. Musicians, true to the art, are supported by a patron of the arts community.

NOTE - LA's weekly pick, SHOWCASE, companion event is immediately followed by the #1-OPEN MIC / JAM featuring LA Jazz scene's best trio of accompanists, "World Class" In-House Live Jazz Trio with "World Renowned Musicians." Every "One-of-a-Kind" Showcase and it's companion, Open Mic/Jam is unique and not just all about Jazz LA. It's new, the Jazz messenger.

Accompaniment Personnel:
In-House Live Jazz Trio "Lady & Gentlemen"
Karen Hernandez - Music Director/piano (pictured at keyboard w/ shades)
" Gene Harris protégé, 'Lady Soul' pianist prodigy "
Tony Dumas - bass (painting, artist unknown)
" Swiss tempered gentleman, 'BADD Samurai Bassist' "
Ralph Penland - drums (pictured on drums)
" 'Virtuoso' trap-ease artist, a poised & calm gentlemen "

Dolores Petersen - Founder/(Reg.)Host/Organizer/vocalist
" 'D', 1st Lady of Diverse Live Music Promotion "

Event Contact:
Dolores Petersen - A. Pro-Advocate Rep. (Artist, Promoter, Advocate, Representative)
E-mail: dolwood@aol.com
Info #: (323) 632-1640

Mission Statement: "D'z" events prioritize live music 1st and foremost. Participation is considered a privilege. Artists, patrons of the art and community-supporters of live music afford the opportunity to perform and audience. NOT a recording session/studio, Karaoke and/or a competition/contest. We reserve the right to refuse service.

* Recommended - Please see our listings @ http://www.lajazz.com/index.cfm) "A Community-Supported Guide to Jazz Events, Jazz Musicians, and Jazz Venues in Southern California" (+ CabWest, Constant Contact, Meetup & updates on fb, Twitter & Yahoo Upcoming)

All cell phone ringers must be turned off.

Mindful dinner show etiquette & courtesy required during performances. Space permitting, valued venue diners & bar only patrons are requested to support TIPS. (20% minimum entertainment gratuity suggested)

Absolutely NO audio or video recording without prior written authorization(s) in advance. No flash; photographing may be dis-allowed during performance.

Absolutely NO outside event promotion/solicitation without prior approval.

House approved, premiere professional photographer Ricky Knack is often present and/or available. View charming, appropriate venue & genre photos, as seen through his eyes @ http://wwww.rickyknackphotography.com

Rights & Reproductions: Please be advised that unauthorized use of this listing & it's contents is strictly prohibited.

Limited table seating, reservation highly recommended. Patron of arts, event TIPS solicited. Early arrival suggested for FREE available self parking-lot.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DOLORES-PETERSEN-PRESENTS-/368336644285

Added by DojO on December 7, 2009

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