6122-6124 Sunset Blvd.
Hollywood, California 90028

"historic Western-styled corner east of Vine"
Venue - Info & Reservations: (323) 466-9917

Honoree & Emeritus Host Linda Hopkins celebrates her 86th birthday. Expect a who's-who's attendance of artists & friends. The legendary Blues/Jazz singer will learn you about the Blues in Gospel & teach you how to partaay the Soul in Jazz.

“We’re doing it again.... celebrating the legendary, award winning Blues/Jazz Singer, Ms. Linda Hopkins' natal day. This is Linda's 86th.... plan on one great night! Great music and fun.” - “D” - A. Pro-Advocate Rep.

“Just when you thought that Soul, Blues and Gospel music had taken a backseat to Hip Hop and R&B, along comes an event that you don’t want to miss. Renowned Musical Composer, HB Barnum along with many other celebrity entertainers will celebrate the 86th birthday.” - La Marr Lubin - #1 Grandson

Honoree / Emeritus Host - Linda Hopkins (pic Official Photo)

Co-Hosts - Chantel
- La Marr Lubin (pic w/ his Grandma @ mic)

"Live Band" SOULICIOUS featuring - HB Barnum, Denise Cook, Karen Hernandez & many more...

Event Contact:
Dolores Petersen - A. Pro-Advocate Rep. (pic w/ LaMarr Lubin @ mic)
E-mail: dolwood@aol.com
Info #: (323) 632-1640

* Recommended - Please see our listings @ http://www.lajazz.com/index.cfm) "A Community-Supported Guide to Jazz Events, Jazz Musicians, and Jazz Venues in Southern California" (+ CabWest, Constant Contact, Meetup & updates on fb, Twitter & Yahoo Upcoming)

All cell phone ringers must be turned off.

Mindful dinner show etiquette & courtesy required during performances. Space permitting, valued venue diners & bar only patrons are requested to support TIPS. (20% minimum entertainment gratuity suggested)

Absolutely NO audio or video recording w/o prior written authorization(s) in advance, appropriately. No flash, photographing may be dis-allowed during performance.

House approved, premiere professional photographer Ricky Knack is often times present & or available. View charming, appropriate venue & genre photos, as seen through his eyes @ http://wwww.rickyknackphotography.com

Limited table seating, reservation highly recommended. Patron of arts TIPS encouraged. Early arrival suggested for available free lot, self-parking.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DOLORES-PETERSEN-PRESENTS-/368336644285

Added by DojO on December 9, 2010

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