SUN, 10/14 ... Tonight ... Monthly Songwriters OPEN MIC at Ashkenaz, Berkeley. Feature: Joshua Eden. With cohosts Brian Bauer & Madeline Streicek (Mana Maddy). Great sound engineer, lovely stage, just-in-tune-enough piano, great beer & wine, kind-hearted people, and thanks to YOU, a whole bunch of great songs. Signup for random draw 8-8:20pm. Draw is done at 8:20pm [fyi, the night never goes later than 11:30pm] Spectators: Arrive at 8:30pm for the first performer :) $5 minimum contribution at the door allows the night to continue. Stay until the end of the last performer to receive a ticket to an upcoming Ashkenaz show!! Calendar is here:
Joshua Eden is this month's featured performer, and will be joined by Oscar Westesson on upright bass.
See youz there! ♥ your hosts, Maddy & Chonk. Please direct questions to Mana Maddy -->
ALL AGES ALL THE TIME cuz ashkenaz is cool like that
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Added by 200pockets on October 14, 2012