8043 W. Oakland Park Blvd
Sunrise, Florida 33322

$15.00 Group Hypnosis Sessions Weight Loss

With hypnosis you can achieve your goals.

Lose all the weight you really want and keep it off!

Group Hypnosis Sessions Now Forming only $15.00 a session.

Weekly sessions every Tuesday evening in Sunrise. Space is limited. Call now (561) 201-1838 Open to both men and women

Doctor's Chiropractic Center
8043 W. Oakland Park
Sunrise, FL.
Join anytime
Every Tuesday
NW corner of Oakland Park Blvd and University Dr.
7PM - 8PM

Hypnotherapy helps to realign your thoughts, frees you from mental blockages and allows the positive aspect in you to open up and to believe in yourself.

Clinical hypnotherapy helps to change your thinking into believing that you are worth as much as the next man or woman, I don't doubt that for one second and I don't doubt that you can succeed and achieve greater things as so many of my clients have gone on to prove.

Nothing gives me more personal satisfaction than to see others succeed.

How surprised would you be to find yourself many pounds slimmer, looking totally attractive in the mirror and realizing that this group hypnosis program was where it all began? For Only $15.00 a session!

You'll fall in love with this program over and over every session you attend because of what it does for you and the amazing and powerful results you will experience.

Get a free waking hypnosis CD entitled *Affirmations* when you attend your first session.

Call (561) 201-1838...I will happily answer all your questions

Hypnosis is a state of deep, focused relaxation. While experiencing hypnosis, you are aware the entire time. Your subconscious accepts only suggestions that are in sync with your value system. Being in a deep, focused state allows you to better accept suggestions that you would like to accept and implement.

You are never out of control.
You will not do anything you do not want to do.
You will not say anything you do not want to say.
Everybody always wakes up from hypnosis.

Glenn Miller, Certified Hypnotist
Certified Member of National Guild of Hypnotists
Certified Member of International Association of Counselors and Therapists
561 201-1838

Space is limited. Call now for more information and to reserve your seat for our Group Weight Loss Sessions.

Added by 15.00 Hypnosis Weight Loss on October 5, 2009