Sept 15, Sept 29, Oct 13, Oct 27, 11:45am to 1:15pm
The Golden State sets the gold standard for complexities in employment law. Explore core concepts in key areas: discrimination, wage and hour, leaves of absence, and restrictive covenants in four, 90-minute online sessions.
You'll examine the essential elements of doing business in California, and develop policies and practices to ensure compliance with these unique laws.
September 15: California Discrimination Laws - what makes California's Equal Employment opportunity laws different? Find out what matters most in this risky area.
September 29: California Wage and Hour Laws - simply complying with the Fair Labor Standards Act will not ensure compliance with California's wage and hour rules. Explore the integration of state and federal wage and hour laws.
October 13: California Leave Laws - California's leave laws extend well beyond the requirements of the Family Medical Leave Act. Learn to navigate leave laws like a pro.
October 27: California's Laws on Restrictive Covenants - the use of restrictive covenants is limited in California. Explore alternative strategies to protect your business assets.
About the Presenter
Walter Stella is a partner with Bingham McCutchen who represents clients in all aspects of employment litigation and counseling. Walter's clients have included both emerging growth as well as Fortune 500 and other multinational corporations. He has successfully defended clients before state and federal courts as well as governmental agencies. His litigation experience includes representing clients in a myriad of employment-related claims, such as wage and hour class actions, trade secret theft, wrongful termination, discrimination, retaliation, and harassment.
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Added by FullCalendar on August 31, 2011