El Bordo Ave
Atascadero, California 93422

Kathy Kropp of Good Dogs Companion Dog Training will provide tips for new and experienced visitors for getting the most out of an off-leash dog park. She'll be discussing how to introduce a new dog to the park, how to read and interpret dog behaviors and postures, and how to prevent and handle an aggressive dog encounter in the park. This will be a great chance to ask Kathy dog behavior questions as well. We'll be meeting inside the dog park around the picnic tables.

We'll be serving up light appetizers and refreshments to make this a fun evening as well so plan to stick around after the session for some serious socializing. Social dogs are welcome. We expect this will be a popular event so we'll repeat it on Monday, August 8 from 6:30 - 7:30. Hope you can join us!

See you at the park!

Added by slodogs on July 8, 2005