4622 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento, California 95841

The Hot, Dog Days of Summer are here, and we're loving it at Capitol Yamaha! So much so in fact, that this Saturday, July 17th we're throwing a Dog Days of Summer party, and you're invited.

To start the party a little early I want to give you a chance to snag a FREE Capitol Yamaha T-Shirt. All you have to do is be one of the first 72 to go to www.mycapitolyamaha.com and give us your thoughts. It's that easy.

This Saturday we're gonna have Free food, drinks, door prizes, and even more, so be sure to bring your friends and family. You won't wanna miss it!

Looking forward to seeing you here,
Dana Tutt & Norris Rancourt

P.S. There's only 72 T-Shirts, so hurry to www.mycapitolyamaha.com!

Official Website: http://mycapitolyamaha.com

Added by Capitol Yamaha Sacramento on July 14, 2010