Limited places available on this one day practical workshop on how to write, produce, direct, shoot and edit documentary films on your own as a “one-man band”.
On many low-budget documentary films, you will frequently be the only crew so you have to know how to shoot and edit a film on your own. This workshop tells you exactly how!
Writing a proposal, preparing a budget and schedule, sources of finance, writing a documentary script, hiring the right kit, organising the location and a check-list of what to take with you. Plus choosing the right documentary style – whether it is a first person authored film, observational documentary or !
The shoot:
Practical demonstrations on how to set up the camera, basic lighting and sound, how to shoot sequences, cut-aways and how to interview your subject including what questions to ask and how to ask them!
Preparing transcripts of interviews, viewing rushes, how to paper edit, how to organise your off-line edit and basic editing principles, writing voice-over, choosing music, graphics, client/audience viewings, off-line changes, on-line, grade and finishing your film!
Run by self-shooting producer/director of broadcast documentaries.
Venue: Brighton Media Centre Film Studio
Central location: 5 mins walk from Brighton train station
Sat 30th January Time: 10-5pm.
Cost: £100 Normal Cost or £90 for students
* 10:00 Introduction and discussion on the art and technique of documentary film-making
* 11:00 Everything you need to know about producing, pre-production and preparing to shoot your documentary film
* 13:00 Short lunch (not provided)
* 13:30 Practical demonstration of Self-Shooting, how to set up a digital camera, tripod sound & simple lights using professional digital film equipment. Shooting sequences and interviews.
* 15:15 Break
* 15:30 Discussion on all aspects of post-production including writing script, offline and online editing, sound post & finishing your film.
* 17:00 Wrap
To book visit:
Official Website:
Added by Brighton Film Workshops on November 28, 2009