Join us for our first many coffee-shop meetup.
Who are we? We're a small group of tech people who live in-and-around the Valley who are interested in meeting up with others to talk web technologies (twitter, wordpress, flickr, etc.), business ideas and more.
Ideally, we'll make this a regular thing (probably every other week), but that will obviously depend on interest from others.
And if you normally have trouble getting out of work for a morning cup of coffee and conversation, we'll be happy to help you draft up a doctor's note! ;)
Added by tyr on May 4, 2008
I got your photo attached already!
The idea of attaching photos to an upcoming event is a bit counter intuitive since you *cannot* attach a photo to an event until after it is over and once it is over, it pretty much disappears off of upcoming. There's a logic gap when someone at Yahoo put the use case together.
Count me in.
I plan on attending
Irina: I love Pasadena! It's just a bit too far for morning coffee.... but maybe if some blinis are thrown into the mix... :)
I'm in... no doctor's note required!
I'm all over this like a diaper on a Baby's Asterisk!
I might be a little late I have a Rotary meeting before at 7:00am
Upcoming screwed up my account and I had to make a new account......GRRRRR
I am definately going! See everyone tomorrow morning!
Ted's comment cracks me up! Can't make it (obviously, you're all already there) but I might drag Irina out with me to the next one.
Great meeting everyone see you at the next one!
You can count me in.