Cabinets are the centerpiece of your kitchen and also one of its most expensive components. Installed properly, they are attractive and functional, almost like furniture. You can hang and trim cabinets for a fraction of the cost charged by an installer and get a result that's every bit as good, if you know what you're doing.
In this hands-on class you will learn:
* The tools and materials you'll need and how to use them
* How to plumb and level cabinets
* How to install upper and lower cabinets
* How to install islands and specialty cabinets
* How to trim out cabinets for a professional finish
* How to prepare cabinets for countertops
All DIY Academy classes are hands-on seminars. You'll learn what to do, then actually practice doing it.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 28, 2009