Association of Women in Computing (AWCPS) Presents: Do I Have a Plan When Things Go Awry?
Learn how to plan for personal impacts from loss of your job to emergencies or disasters. Understand how it ties into the corporate Business Continuity Plan (BCP.) Vickie Leighton will help you create your plan of action for at work, at home, and at play!
Vickie Leighton, a native of Washington, is a subject matter expert in enterprise-wide continuity planning for government, industry, and international/global organizations. Ms. Leighton began working for Avanade, Inc in December 2007 as program manager for the information technology business continuity/disaster recovery project and now works for the Chief Risk Officer as the Business Continuity Manager for Avanade’s global business continuity management program.
Registration begins: 5:30
Networking with other Women in Computing professionals and light appetizers: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Presentation: 7:00 - 8:00pm
Q&A and more networking: 8:00 - 8:30pm
Official Website:
Added by awcps on September 25, 2008