'Tis the season of mistletoe kisses, mall Santas, spiced eggnog and of course bad holiday sweaters. We encourage you to celebrate this season of tacky, brightly-embellished woolen duds with us and wear your "holiday best*" at this December dMob at Life of Riley (downstairs). Bring a canned food item to get into the spirit of giving, and network with fellow creatives. Give cheers to patchwork plaid Christmas trees, puffy snowflakes, and light-up holiday attire. On this festive night, we will also be acknowledging all AIGA volunteers with a "special treat."
This is our monthly gathering for the entire Portland design community. Social interaction and networking is the core of this monthly event. AIGA Portland wants to encourage discussion, business development, and help foster a more dynamic design community here in Portland.
And never forget the dMob mantra... "Can I buy you a drink?"
If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact: info@portland.aiga.org
*Reindeer antler headbands, foam Rudolph noses, Santa beards, dreidel earrings, and other accessories are also encouraged.
Official Website: http://portland.aiga.org/events/network
Added by aigaportland on December 2, 2008