Sharon Strover of the University of Texas at Austin will present a lecture on Remapping the Digital Divide at 18H in Auditório 1, Torre B, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Sharon Strover teaches and researches various topics related to communications and telecommunications, including communication theory, research methodology and telecommunications policy, in the College of Communication at the University of Texas. She is Chair of the Department of Radio, Television and Film and directs the Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute there. In addition she is Austin Director of the UT Austin|Portugal Program.
Her current research projects have included examinations of broadband competition in three states, local telecommunications efforts and community networking, video game content and implications for learning, telecommunications networks and policies in the Appalachian region for the Appalachian Regional Commission, modeling telecommunications infrastructure in rural regions, and an investigation of state and local telecommunications policies.
The lecture is part of the Summer Institute in Digital Media of the UT Austin|Portugal Program, May 26 through June 28, 2008.
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Added by riddle on April 16, 2008