Note: the time above (8pm) is for the talk itself; please come early (6:30 or 7) to drink, eat, and socialize.
Have you ever wanted to learn beat-mixing or electronic music composition? Want to get started with software that's completely free and community-based? Join us for an evening with STARPAUSE (aka Jordan Gray), chiptune producer and founder of the Mp3Death (Creative Commons) netaudio label. Jordan will cover the basics of DJing and introduce you the free open-source MIXXX digital DJ software. Then we'll move on to tracker-based music composition using LittleGPTracker, which Jordan will demonstrate both on laptop and the Game Park handheld. LittleGPTracker is free and designed especially for 8-bit (GameBoy-style) music. Both software run on the free Linux operating system (Mac and Windows also available).
"DJing and Music Composition on Linux" is hosted by the Bay Area Linux User Group (BALUG), a lively gathering of Linux users & free software enthusiasts that combines great food, community & intimate access to featured speakers. We meet in the bar of the Four Seas Restaurant in Chinatown at 6:30pm. At 7, we share a family-style Chinese dinner, followed by our guest speaker at 8, then late-night drinking at the Li Po Lounge. The talk at 8 is always completely free. If you would like to join us for the dinner, please come early and bring $13. It would also be great if you could RSVP us ( so we'll have an idea how much food to order.
From Montgomery BART, walk or take the 15. From Powell BART, walk or take the 30/45. From Nob Hill / Western Addition / Richmond take the 1.
Easy $5 parking: Portsmouth Square Garage at 733 Kearny
MIXXX digital DJ software
LittleGpTracker 8-bit tracker
Official Website:
Added by Jesse Zbikowski on February 23, 2009