1) Presentation by Will Larson - "Overview of the different
intermediate components of Django: fixtures, middleware, management
commands, template tags and filters, local_settings.py, custom
Will is a django-nyc noob but no noob to Django or the open source
community (he recently release django-userskins -
http://github.com/lethain/django-userskins/tree/master). He blogs
frequently and in-depth over at "Irrational Exuberance", his blog.
Check out his impressive Django collection posts: http://lethain.com/tags/django/
2) Panel - Django in the workplace (how are you using Django at your
job, with clients, etc). We hope the audience can participate in this as well, any and all questions/ideas are appreciated.
3) Lightening talks - you got somethning to say/show-off ... say it
Added by howiworkdaily on November 17, 2008
Hani M
I greatly enjoyed this meeting. Will's talk was great and I learned a lot (being a relative newcomer). Looking forward to the next one.