1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

DJ Sultan. Whether he’s playing his residency at Montreal’s “Stereo” alongside such DJs as Deep Dish, Sander Kleinenberg, Danny Howells, Saeed and Palash, Max Graham, Nick Warren, Lee Burridge, or playing international tour dates across North America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Sultan has displayed his talents to thousands world wide. His productions have been heard by even more with Releases on several compilations including Dave Seaman’s “Renaissance Masters Vol. 7”, “Global Underground 25: Toronto” mixed by Deep Dish, Tiesto’s “In Search of Sunrise 4”, Behrouz’s “Renaissance Frontiers” and Siddhartha: The Spirit Of Buddha Bar. not to mention his own : “Release Records The Sessions Vol.1” and Canada’s “Bal En Blanc – White is Pure 5”.

96年,年轻的Sultan最初为求学而移居加拿大蒙特利尔州,却被当地的音乐、夜生活及club文化深深吸引而转投音乐行当。01年夏天,作为一个在各大club驻场都广受欢迎的成功DJ,Sultan成立了自己的音乐工作室,往制作人方向积极靠拢、一展才华。他以革新的曲风得到了受人尊崇的制作人地位,并在house领域的诸多音乐厂牌旗下发行专辑,如Deep Dish的Yoshitoshi厂牌,以及John Digweed的Bedrock Breaks厂牌等。04、05年对于Sultan来说异常忙碌,他分别奔赴北美、欧洲、亚洲和非洲各地世界巡演,而06年他在DJ事业和制作人方向上,都有重大突破,分别发行了“Release Records The Sessions Vol.1”和“Bal En Blanc – White is Pure 5”两张专辑。敬请期待他在上海club bonbon的精彩演绎吧!.

Male 88RMB, Female 50RMB OPENBAR 8:30pm- 3:30am

FREE TICKETS and more info here: http://urbanon.com/content/view/1/28/

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on July 24, 2007