1329 Huahai Lu (near hengshan lu)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Legendary for his role in the birth of the electronic music scene in the Baltimore/Washington DC area, Charles Feelgood has built a reputation as a DJ in the international dance community through his ingenious remix skills and a dynamic brand of funky disco and hard house. "I'm far from a purist," he adds. "I incorporate many styles into a single set. I play everything from disco-influenced house to acapella tracks and tech house, and I especially love bootlegs and eighties influenced tracks. Charles also loves to play all eighties sets and has been getting booked at various venues from coast to coast to play those sets. The consummated dance floor rocker, Feelgood sums up his musical mission in one sentence: "I just want to do what the name implies, to make people have a good time and go home with a great feeling."

在电音热土华盛顿成长的全球舞曲界传奇DJ Charles Feelgood,以娴熟的混音技巧和动感十足的funky disco、hard house折服“舞”林众生!Charles Feelgood坦言他对音乐类型的把玩从来不专一,只要是能够感染舞池中的派对动物们,无论是disco-influenced house,acapella tracks,tech house等都运用自如,尤其钟爱bootlegs和80年代曲风。这位当红不让的舞池引领生力军,用一句话精辟地总结了他的音乐热忱:“我只希望人们寻欢而来,欢愉而归。”

Male 120RMB/ Female 80RMB After 2am 80RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 6:30am

Official Website: http://www.clubbonbon.com

Added by wendyland on September 13, 2007