DIY Green Revolution 7th Aug, 2007, 6pm - 8pm
A ‘Think Beach’ event at the Bristol Urban Beach Redcliffe Wharf Redcliffe, Bristol, BS1 6SR
If you’ve always dreamed of changing the world, the world is ready and needs you now! DIY green consumers, citizens and entrepreneurs are beginning to take matters into their own hands. This event will hear from some of the leading lights of the new wave of environmental pioneers and how they are changing everyday life and, maybe, the future of the planet.
6pm - Molly Webb from Demos will introduce the event and discuss the findings from the recent Demos/NESTA report The Disrupters: lessons for low-carbon innovation from the new wave of environmental pioneers.
6:15pm - Look into my Ideas: a quick ‘speed dating’ exercise where you can talk about your ideas for developing climate change solutions, and hear from others
6:45pm - Ian Preston from the Centre for Sustainable Energy in Bristol will discuss the initiatives underway at his organisation, and what their programme aims to do going forward. Molly Webb will introduce the entrepreneurs who will introduce themselves and their businesses.
7:15 - In breakout groups, we’ll discuss with entrepreneurs the ways that we could imagine tackling climate change in particular areas like heating, transport, air travel, or home energy use.
7:45 - Wrap up!
Official Website:
Added by demosevents on August 1, 2007