see listing
Hilo, HI, Hawaii

You can experience these more often with a simple process called Deeksha, coming for the first time to Hawaii Jan 20-25.

What is Deeksha?
Deeksha, which means ?energy transmission? in Sanskrit, is a simple, accessible, dogma-free process that enables you to experience innate, high frequency states. In neuro-physiological terms, it is a very gentle application of hands to the head which shifts energy balances from the central active thinking centers to the frontal lobe calming centers.  This is the area of the brain that is more directly linked to peaceful and blissful mindsets.

What is a Deeksha gathering like?
An informal Deeksha evening can consist simply of a room of diverse people in chairs with soft lights and meditative music in the background. Individuals trained in India and attuned to this energy deliver Deeksha via placement of their hands on the head of each individual for a few moments, one by one. There?s often laughter rippling. People?s experience may be strong or subtle, each according to their own nature. One might experience sensations of warmth and tingling on the head, and feelings can include peace, love, clarity, serenity, freedom from concerns or worries, lightness, a spacious feeling around the head, a feeling of connection spiritually, and blissful, ecstatic states.

Deeksha is a quick and calming process held in a friendly environment, and there is no religion or politics or selling involved. To learn more about the process of Deeksha, please see For workshop info and with any questions, please contact Doug Lindeman, (510) 453-0606,

You can experience Deeksha for yourself at these joyful special events for Hawaiian Islanders:

Friday, January 20, 2006
opening ceremony with Deeksha 5:30-7:30PM
Temple of Lono
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, HI
non-monetary offering suggested (flowers, fruit, etc.)!.html

Saturday, January 21, 2006
Deepening Deeksha Workshop 1-5 pm
Aloha Massage Center
118 Kamehamaha Ave. Suite #6
Hilo, HI
suggested donation: $35
contact: Elyra Easton 808.996.8793

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Introduction and Deeksha 10am-1pm
Aloha Massage Center
118 Kamehamaha Ave. Suite #6
Hilo, HI
suggested donation: $20-$35
contact: Elyra Easton 808.996.8793

Monday, January 23, 2006
Monday evening Deeksha
6:30 to 9:30 pm
Joan Levy's residence
Kapaa Houselots, Kauai
Turn Mauka at Wailua Family restaurant into Wailua Homesteads. Bear
slightly to the right when the road splits. Go one street past
Eggerking to Kihapai, turn left. Joan's home is on the left where the
road makes a 90 degree turn to the right. 310 Kihapai St. PARK on the
street. Please bring a cushion to sit on.
contact: Judith Thomson at
Suggested donation $20 - $35

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Deeksha 7-10pm
First Unitarian Church
2510 Pali Hwy
Oahu, HI
808-343-4610 Aaron
Suggested donation $20 - $35

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Deeksha 7-10pm
First Unitarian Church
2510 Pali Hwy
Oahu, Hi
808-343-4610 Aaron
Suggested donation $20 - $35

Added by G&S on January 14, 2006

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