466 Haight St
San Francisco, California 94117

d i v i d e n d
thursday, 05.25.2006
nickie's, 460 haight st sf ca ecotopia earth

I F . Y O U . C A N . S T A N D . T H E . H E A T

this month dividend picks up the pace a little bit. okay... a lotta bit. and why not? it's summer, and that sweet may heat wave is coming through. our lush concrete jungle is stirring from its cold wet slumber, and the air is thick with the excitement of long days and that warm night air cooling the sweat as it drips off your exhilarated face.

mmm, summer.

break the season in right as we dish up three hard helpings of high tempo pressure cooking. check out this intense trio of sonic servers anxious to help you get your stutter step on:

Donna Matrix (Newsbreakz) :: polyspeed breakbeat fusions
Takitus (Vicious Cycle, SC) :: his license plate reads 'junglist'
Kapn' Kirk (Space Cowboys) :: breakbeats / hip hop

dividend : where reinvestments are never taxing


Official Website: http://www.false-profit.com/dividend

Added by baroo on May 22, 2006

Interested 1