How can filmmakers design innovative — and extremely effective — crowdfunding, marketing and distribution strategies for their current project? That's the core focus of Distribution U., a one-day "crash course" taking place on the UCLA campus on November 20th.
Presented by leading distribution strategist Peter Broderick and Scott Kirsner, author of the book "Fans, Friends & Followers," Distribution U. is a panel-free gathering that engages its participants in new ways. There are case studies and examples of films that have created successful strategies...small-group lunch discussions with industry experts...time for networking and sharing resources...and a brainstorming session to develop useful ideas for Distribution U. participants. One participant at last year's Distribution U. in Los Angeles said: "It was an excellent, thought-provoking, and practical program." The workshop takes place all-day Saturday, November 20th at UCLA.
The day is very much focused on bringing you the latest case studies and examples of what actually works. It's geared to feature-length filmmakers and producers working in all genres. There are small lunchtime discussion groups led by industry experts. And there's a chance to network and share resources with other filmmakers. We wrap up the day with a brainstorming session where we discuss strategies for films being made by participants in the event — a/k/a you.
"Casual, participatory, and supportive," Documentary Magazine wrote about our last workshop, "Distribution U. was chock full of useful information with which anyone embarking on a filmmaking adventure should be familiar." "It was an excellent, thought-provoking, practical program," one of our 2009 participants told us. Another said, "I learned so much, met some great folks, and enjoyed the lunch session."
If it sounds like this might be useful to you, we hope you'll join us...
Added by skirsner on November 1, 2010